Double Quotation Marks in PHP ini Files

PHP conveniently offers the function parse_ini_file, which allows you to load settings stored in the same format as php.ini. File parsing is fast (on my machine loading a handful of settings takes about 1/10th the time of using DOM or SimpleXML to parse the equivalent information in an XML file), and the format is both human-readable and intuitive. Then it turns out that, at least as of 5.2, there’s no way to include a double quotation mark in option values, which pretty much renders the whole thing useless for all but very limited applications.

In a nutshell, the problem is that double quotation marks are used to enclose strings in option values in the file, sort of like this:

my.option="a string of information"

After parsing, the data returned in PHP looks like:

  'my.option' => 'a string of information'

The issue is that parse_ini_file doesn’t provide an escape sequence within quotation marks. It just reads straight through the string until it finds a matching quotation mark and ends the string there. Typically, formats allow you place quotation marks within a quoted string either by using a backslash as an escape character (\") or by using two adjacent quotation marks (""). Neither of these are recognized by parse_ini_file, which leaves you pretty much out of luck.

You could add support for an escape character in your ini files. By passing the INI_SCANNER_RAW flag to parse_ini_file, you can get it to return unaltered option values, and you can then handle parsing them anyway you like. In my case that wasn’t a very attractive option. I was hoping to use the built-in ability to recognize boolean values, strings, and the like, rather than having to re-implement all of that myself.

As it turns out, there is another way you can include quotation marks in your ini files, and you can coax parse_ini_file into handling it for you. To see why it works, we first need to touch on a facet of how the built-in function handles strings. Much like other scanners, parse_ini_file will concatenate adjacent strings in a value, which allows you to quote only portions of a value if you choose. So, if we have a file like:

my.option = "this value " and " that value"

We’ll get back data that looks like:

  'my.option' => 'this value and that value'

Notice that it strips out whitespace between the quoted strings and the unquoted word. This feature can be combined with the ability of parse_ini_file to expand constants you have defined in PHP within an ini file. Placing quotation marks within a string can then look a little like it does in the shell. In my case I decided to choose a fairly short constant name for the quotation mark since I didn’t want my strings getting too long and hard to read. I used _Q as the constant, so in the PHP code I have something like:

function load_ini_file() {
  if (!defined('_Q'))
    define('_Q', '"');
  parse_ini_file(, true)

In my ini file I can now have:

my.option = "I can now use _Q to embed quotation marks ("_Q") within a string"

And I’ll get back:

  'my.option' => 'I can now use _Q to embed quotation marks (") within a string'

I have to admit, it makes me feel slightly dirty. I really wish I could have a more readable way to include quotation marks in my data, but in a pinch this little trick allowed me to do so, and I got to spend my time writing application code instead of routines for parsing option values that wouldn’t be of very high value to the overall project.


Very very useful tip.

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